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Jewellery care instructions

Tarnishing and Oxidation facts and details

The colour change, tarnishing or oxidation of a piece of silver, brass or copper jewellery is a natural process that affects all metals.


Tarnishing is most often due to the pH levels of the wearer’s skin which varies in all people. The second most common reason for tarnishing is exposure to soap, chlorine (also present in tap water), saltwater, cleaning chemicals, perfumes and lotions.


Oxidisation is the process whereby the metal alloys within 925 Sterling Silver react with the natural air around us. It is advised that when storing jewellery over long periods of time it is best to do so in an airtight jewellery box or container to prevent this natural process from happening.


Tarnishing and Oxidisation appears as discolouration on the silver, brass, bronze and copper. It can look like dark marks, patches or even as if the metal colour is coming off. This is a natural occurrence of metal and not a manufaturing fault.


The good news is that Tarnishing and Oxidisation are reversible and easily treated.


How to fix tarnishing or oxidized metal

To clean flat surfaces or jewellery that has detail you don’t want to disturb, like stampings and engravings, buff the piece with a jewellery polishing cloth.


You’ll be surprised at how quickly a light buff will restore shine. You can also use products like Brasso to lightly buff your piece with.


For a deeper clean in those hard-to-reach areas, create a mixture of lemon juice, baking powder, and water. Apply a little bit to your item and gently scrub with a soft toothbrush. The toothbrush should help you get into those dirty nooks and crannies, making your jewellery shining once again.


It’s a good idea to create a habit of inspecting and cleaning your jewellery routinely.  This will ensure the longevity of your piece of jewellery.

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